Society of Unexplained Phenomena Wikia

Kyle (a codename with no surname) was a serial killer. Or rather, he was a man who was consistently around people who died by their own hands. With absolutely no forensic evidence against him in any of his cases, it took the FBI opening a cold case on an old girlfriend of his to finally put him away. His first killing had left some traces, it seemed. VASCU took a hold of him, and through extreme telepathic conditioning, Kyle was reformatted into a hunter of slashers. Under the ever watchful eye of his handler, Alex Smith, Kyle had a collar and pulleys under his clothes that could be activated with a press of a button to bind him and gag him.

During the events of Slasher I, Kyle went with a VASCU unit consisting of Alex Smith, Bobby Cassady, and Elliot Yamamoto to apprehend Bones and Arcade. During the fight, Bones was captured and was being sent back to the LANSING facility, and Dr. Arcade Brant was subdued. However, Cheiron attacked to claim the brilliant Dr. Brant, killing the rest of the VASCU team, and Bones downed his helicopter midflight. Kyle, still living, wormed his way onto the Cheiron team with Arcade, and now resides with them until they can properly study him.
